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169 users

Genre: Reggae

Additional Styles: Artist Series, Dub, and Reggae


One Shots

Sampler Patches

BPM: 60 - 180

Some serious dub business in this pack. Really well put together pack with great range. Drums are great and the horns are amazing. This is perfect for anyone wanting that traditional dub sound

i like the sound fx i have used quite a bit already ther is a lot of chioce and the format has been well organized.
It has an array of sound that work well i am glad i choose this product looking forward to the next one i think this is a must Ray keith

Dubmatix Automatic reggae is a magnificent display of modern reggae with a touch of the classical revival sound. This exellent producers package is fully loaded with some awsome loops and sounds. The Lovely Bass and drum loops are a real reggae delight and the pianos and chops a dream. I rate this a 10 out of 10 for production and classic reggae creativity.

The bass loops are great, the horns are nice, good percussion loops too.
Everything sounds quite authentic but the drums sounded a bit too modern and digital for me, but some people might like that.

If you are into Dub or want a bit of a Dub influence in your tracks, this is well recommended.

Love these kinds of packs takes me back to the years of jungle.
A real strong pack full of drums and bass , guitars, horns, keys, organs, percussion and everything else you need to complete a solid reggae infused piece of rooted electronica.

this quote is awesome "Dubmatix has developed a unique signature sound and style that is immediately recognizable – a Phil Spector-esque full sound utilizing heavy bass, majestic horn lines, thick-set percussive grooves, and strong production values." I co sign this.

really can't fault dubmatix. each loop is filled with love - and produced to perfection. essential!


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