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Dirty Dubstep
76 users AWARD

Genre: Sound Archives

Additional Styles: Dubstep


One Shots

Sampler Patches

BPM: 70 - 150

Dubstep, the clue is in the title so where has the Dub gone? Loopmasters re-address the balance and take Dubstep back to its roots with Dirty Dubstep which sees filthy ruffneck bass lines playing alongside hard edged beats and dubbed out chords and delays for an immersive dark adventure into the deeper foundations of the genre.

Dirty Dubstep has been produced exclusively for Loopmasters by Dubmatix courtesy of Renegade Media with the sole aim to bring to you a deep but aggressive electronic sound taken from a Dub influenced perspective, with Dark Meditative Bass and Drums providing a Solid Anchor for the Softer Melodic Leads, Pads and Huge Dub Delay FX creating Hypnotic Textures.

Expect to find over 1Gb of fat 24Bit quality sounds and loops including, Hot Stepping Beats, Deep Evolving Bass Lines,  Dub FX, Dreamy Lush Chords and Hypnotizing Atmospheres.

In Detail the pack includes 1.39Gb of 24Bit 44.1Khz quality samples with 72 Bass Loops, 80 Drum Loops, 26 Instrument Loops, 33 Synth Loops, 371 Drum Hits,  15 Bass Multi Sampled Instruments, 30 SFX,  233 Rex2 Files and 47 Soft Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, nnxt and Sfz Formats. Also available as Apple Loops, Ableton Live Pack and Reason 5 Refill to purchase separately.

With the multi instrumentalist skills of Dubmatix the musical loops are worth a special mention and include instruments such as Horns, Organs, Keys, Melodica and Clav plus a collection of High end Software and Traditional Hardware Synths with Classic FX processors, guarantying a Huge Organic sound with each sample Meticulously recorded and eq-ed to ensure they are ready to drop into your Dubstep Productions.

If your Dubstep Productions are missing that all important Dub ingredient then waste no more time, check out the demo and sample Dirty Dubstep from Loopmasters NOW!

Format Options Explained:

  • Zip(main) format includes Acidised Wav and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, NNXT, EXS24  soft samplers.
  • Apple Loops format includes Apple Loops and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, NNXT, EXS24  soft samplers.
  • Reason Refill format includes Wav and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches NNXT and Kong. Comes as a .rfl compressed file only for use within Propellerheads Reason.
  • Ableton Live Ready Pack format includes Pre Warped Wav Loops and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Ableton Sampler. Comes as a self install .Alp File that will import all clips and instruments into your Library. Only for use within Ableton Live Suite 8.2.6+.
  • Wav Loop Pack format includes Acidised Wav loop content only.
  • One Shots & Sampler Patches format includes all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, NNXT, EXS24  soft samplers.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description.

  • 1.39Gb of content
  • 24Bit 44.1Khz
  • 72 Bass Loops
  • 80 Drum Loops
  • 26 Instrument Loops
  • 33 Synth Loops
  • 371 Drum Hits
  • 15 Bass Multi Sampled Instruments
  • 30 SFX 
  • 233 Rex2 Files
  • 47 Soft Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, EXS24, NN-XT and SFZ Formats. 

Apple Loops, Ableton Live Pack and Reason 5 Refill available to purchase separately.

One Shots Pack Contains:

  • 322Mb
  • 613 One Shot and Multi Samples
  • 47 Soft Sampler Patches

Music Loops Pack Contains:

  • 237Mb
  • 59 Music Loops

Bass Loops Pack Contains:

  • 239Mb
  • 72 Bass Loops

Drum Loop Pack Contains:

  • 183Mb
  • 80 Drum Loops

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Celtislam big


Celt Islam
Loopmasters Present Dirty Dubstep by Loopmasters Dirty Dubstep with a fine twist of Dub reggae culture! This is a fantastic producers package with some of the best dub samples and loops around! Most perfect for all styles dub fueled music. This neat bag of tricks is well packed with top quality drums, basses and excellent dub synth loops not to forget the fantastic sound fx. I strongly recommend this for all dub/ Dubstep producers and you will not be let down! 10 out of 10 for pure quality and creativity!


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