Hpl big hr i
House Percussion Loops
35 users

Genre: House

Additional Styles: Percussion and Deep House


One Shots

Sampler Patches

BPM: 120 - 130

From the dawn of time, man has had the instinct to thump membrane covered wooden cylinders to communicate his passion and angst of the day's events. Luckily someone discovered the ability to interact using our vocal cords  and having a conversation with your neighbour became a considerably quieter affair... well in some districts anyway,  but the need for captivating rhythms to get down dirty and shake your booty continues so it is with great pleasure that Loopmasters proudly present "House Percussion" - a sample pack dedicated  to bring you inspiring live played percussion loops guaranteed to bring your House and Club tracks to life.

This Tub based journey has been created exclusively for Loopmasters and features 10 Construction Kit Style Percussion Ensembles containing Loops from Conga's, Agogo Bell, Claves, Tambourine, Cabassa and Shakers, making it easy to custom build your Percussion tracks to fit your productions.

In Detail: 758Mb of 24 Bit Quality sounds and loops including 134 Percussion Loops in 10 Construction Kits, 68 Percussion One Shot Samples and 1 Soft Sampler Patch for Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and Sfz Formats.

If you're looking for inspiring, groove filled, live percussion to bring your mixes to life, then check out House Percussion Today!

For more info on this great percussionist visit www.bongodave.co.uk

Format Options Explained:

  • Zip(main) format includes Acidised Wav and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, NNXT, EXS24  soft samplers.
  • Apple Loops format includes Apple Loops and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, NNXT, EXS24  soft samplers.
  • Reason Refill format includes Wav and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches NNXT and Kong. Comes as a .rfl compressed file only for use within Propellerheads Reason.
  • Ableton Live Pack format includes Pre Warped Wav Loops and Rex2 Loops – all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Ableton Sampler. Comes as a .Alp File only for use within Ableton Live.
  • Wav Loop Pack format includes Acidised Wav loop content only.
  • One Shots & Sampler Patches format includes all single (non looping) sounds and Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, NNXT, EXS24  soft samplers.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description.

  • 24Bit Quality
  • 758Mb
  • 10 Percussion Construction Kits
  • 134 Percussion Loops
  • 68 Percussion One Shots
  • 164 Rex2 Files
  • 1 Soft Sampler Patch For Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and Sfz Formats

Choose your formatabout formats

  • Ableton Live 7.0.2+
    what's inside?
    • 10 Percussion Construction Kits
    • 134 Percussion Loops
    • 68 Percussion One Shots
    • 164 Rex2 Files
    • 1 Soft Sampler Patch For Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and Sfz Formats
    add to cart
  • Apple Loops
    what's inside?
    • 10 Percussion Construction Kits
    • 134 Percussion Loops
    • 68 Percussion One Shots
    • 164 Rex2 Files
    • 1 Soft Sampler Patch For Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and Sfz Formats
    add to cart
  • Reason 5+ Refill
    what's inside?
    • 10 Percussion Construction Kits
    • 134 Percussion Loops
    • 68 Percussion One Shots
    • 164 Rex2 Files
    • 1 Soft Sampler Patch For Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and Sfz Formats
    add to cart
  • ZIP (main)
    what's inside?
    • 10 Percussion Construction Kits
    • 134 Percussion Loops
    • 68 Percussion One Shots
    • 164 Rex2 Files
    • 1 Soft Sampler Patch For Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and Sfz Formats
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  • Subscribe to Loopcloud
    From $7.99
    what's Loopcloud?
    Loopcloud is a sounds subscription service where you can download single sounds from this pack. Loopcloud contains over 4 million royalty-free samples and loops, and depending on the plan you select, you can download up to 600 sounds per month. Click here to try it now.
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Atfc big


For some reason these percussion loops fit in just about everything I make.
Spektre big


Paul Maddox / Spektre
Nicely programmed latin loops and very useful selection of one-shots
Rivastarr big


Riva Starr
Great percussion samples pack. Very useful and versatile for different kind of styles
Prokfitch big


Prok & Fitch
Plenty of well recorded live percussion loops ready to give you that live percussive feel to your tracks!

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