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Flood - Ambient Drones & Samples
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Genre: Ambient

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Flood - Ambient Drones & Samples surges from the ModeAudio studio, dark, murky sub frequencies swirling in the undertow as deep synth drones rise from the shadows to join spraying textures and noise that crash and foam all around you!
Row out into the storm and discover an elemental, 1.88GB collection of royalty-free Ambient sounds, comprising a colossal, hallucinogenic blend of thundering bass samples, shimmering, granular SFX layers, cascading drones and crackling synth atmospherics.
Pore over the 189 samples included in this release and uncover a mammoth variety of dazzlingly inventive, richly detailed sound design, overflowing with rumbling resonances, subtly evolving timbres and frazzling glitches.
With a majority of the drones, atmospheres and textures reaching well into the 1 - 2 minute range, you'll find yourself conjuring complex, evolving, otherworldly sonic scenes within your Ambient, Downtempo and soundtrack sessions in seconds after download.
Prepare for a deep plunge into the exhilarating unknown - sink your music down into the depths with 'Flood - Ambient Drones & Samples' today!

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description.

  • 41 Texture Samples
  • 37 Drone Samples
  • 18 Atmosphere Samples
  • 49 Bass & Sub Bass Samples & Sequences
  • 44 SFX Samples
  • 189 Ambient Samples
  • Samples range from 1s - 2m45s in length
  • 1.88GB (unzipped)

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  • Wav Samples
    what's inside?
    • 41 Texture Samples
    • 37 Drone Samples
    • 18 Atmosphere Samples
    • 49 Bass & Sub Bass Samples & Sequences
    • 44 SFX Samples
    • 189 Ambient Samples
    • Samples range from 1s - 2m45s in length
    • 1.88GB (unzipped)
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Mode Audio - Flood - Ambient Drones & Samples - Computer Music Magazine Review

Batten down the hatches, break out the sandbags, and prepare your sampler for a wave of WAVs and...



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