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Alteration - Prepared Piano Samples
5 users

Genre: Downtempo

Additional Styles: Keyboards and Percussion

DAW Presets


One Shots

Sampler Patches

Alteration - Prepared Piano Samples from ModeAudio transforms the humble upright piano into a treasure trove of experimental sonic gems - forget the conventions of the chromatic scale and join us on a deep exploration of every sound-producing component of this bedrock of Western musical history!

Adopting the concept of the 'prepared piano', wherein various objects are inserted on or between the strings, the pack contains a captivating library of 320 buzzes, creaks, clangs, scrapes, jingles, jangles, and everything in-between, fully mining the rich acoustic territory between pitched notes and noisy found sound.

With the additional application of contact microphones to further extend the range of captured tones, this carefully recorded collection offers up a richly diverse palette of mind-bending samples, revealing exciting new dimensions to the classic sound of the piano.

From metallic scrapes, wooden thumps, and muted note clusters, through to percussive plucks, sharp resonances and beyond, this set will lend an innovative, left-field edge and character to your musical excursions.

As always, we've taken the time to curate a set of 16 sampler kits containing pre-matched and mixed sounds, offering you a host of creative avenues to explore right out of the box, with 3 channel strip presets for your DAW of choice completing the selection.

Grab your lab coat and get ready to experiment with everything the venerable upright piano has to offer - download Alteration - Prepared Piano Samples and get creative today!

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description.

  • 458 MB
  • 320 Prepared Piano Samples (Tones/Impacts/Scrapes/Clusters/+More!)
  • 16 Drum Kit Sampler Patches
  • 3 Channel Strip Settings
  • 4 MIDI Loops (Tempo-Labelled)
  • 100% Royalty-Free

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  • Ableton Pack
    what's inside?
    • 320 Prepared Piano Samples (Tones/Impacts/Scrapes/Clusters/+More!)
    • 16 Drum Kit Sampler Patches
    • 4 MIDI Loops (Tempo-Labelled)
    • 100% Royalty-Free
    add to cart
  • Reason Refill
    what's inside?
    • 320 Prepared Piano Samples (Tones/Impacts/Scrapes/Clusters/+More!)
    • 16 Drum Kit Sampler Patches
    • 100% Royalty-Free
    add to cart
  • WAV + Logic Template
    what's inside?
    • 320 Prepared Piano Samples (Tones/Impacts/Scrapes/Clusters/+More!)
    • 16 Drum Kit Sampler Patches
    • 3 Channel Strip Settings
    • 4 MIDI Loops (Tempo-Labelled)
    • 100% Royalty-Free
    add to cart
  • ZIP (main)
    what's inside?
    • 320 Prepared Piano Samples (Tones/Impacts/Scrapes/Clusters/+More!)
    • 4 MIDI Loops (Tempo-Labelled)
    • 100% Royalty-Free
    add to cart
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