23 users

Genre: EDM

Additional Styles: Guitars, EDM, Funk, and Rock


One Shots

Sampler Patches

BPM: 128 - 128

This new pack from Loopmasters features 325 guitar riffs at 128bpm for use in a wide range of dance-music genres and beyond. There are folders of clean, heavy and extreme loops, with a mix of funk chops, wah solos, heavy-metal chugs, and classic-rock style riffs. Everything's been cleanly processed (distortions notwithstanding), which combines with very tight playing to give an upfront sound. As a nice touch, you get both dry versions and versions with tasteful amounts of reverb to add a little depth. Many of the riffs also come in a single version and a layered two-guitar comp to give a thicker sound. There are enough different guitar sounds used to add some variation, but there's also enough overlap to allow several different riffs to be chained together, should you so desire. As a final touch, you also get multi-sampled powerchords and plain and vibrato notes.

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