Producer Tim Cant shows us how to make Analog Sounding Techno with Loops and Samples inside Ableton Live. All loops and samples are royalty free. If you enjoy the tutorial please subscribe and check the pack at Loopmasters
About - Indelible Techno from Artisan Audio
Indelible Techno is a collection of sounds that will make a mark on your production sound like no other pack. They say the elephant never forgets, and everybody knows how much elephants love stomping all night to some deep, pounding Techno.
Bass Loops
From the throbbing deepness that defines that genre to arpeggiated and riffy loops, all with the required sonic depth to seriously do the business when you're track is leaving the Funktion One at high volume. From long held hoovers to stabby 808 style, it's there when you need it.
Drum Loops
As always we have aimed to give a substantial range of the most usable and organic sounding drum loops out there. All with rich, dynamic textures and percussion swung to just the right point. Solid low end kicks and lots of high end sizzle and stereo width. Whether you want to start layering or just drop right in, there will be plenty to choose from.
Percussion and Tops Loops
We are really focussed on the most important parts here to help you focus on creativity. This folder will be at the front of your arsenal for years to come. Cleverly effected percussion, looping in just the right sync and perfect to be chopped up and layered into your own, Techno monster.
Synth Loops
From deep, low pads and strings and ethereal expanses of sound to the intricate little stabby synths that keep a Techno roller charging along at 5AM. Dubby chords, evolving leads, crisp plucks and rising arps. We have the full spectrum of Techno on hand to make up one of the most solid units of audio we have ever made.
Bass One Shots
Thumping, pounding, deep and warm. Everything a bass one shot should be and these are no different. From twisted growls to simple, usable failsafe’s, we have them, they are yours.
Synth One Shots
Stabbing chords, little plucks, drifting pads and deep strings. These are perfect to create your own riffs with or to mess around with until your heart's content.
Check out Indelible Techno at Loopmasters -